Shoveling and snowmen on a SNOW DAY!
Monday afternoon in class Dr. Granick (DPT Program Director) announced that today's entire class schedule was to be cancelled due to the impending snow storm. She was right, and did a great thing because I was able to get down to NJ just before the storm hit hard to surprise my parents for the evening!
It was great to stop in, catch-up and eat free food! My mom made these awesome cookies. I ate almost all of them, they were sooo good! Since I am on the "college" diet/budget, any food I can get is great. I took a bunch of pictures, so follow along....
I caught my mother watching television, reading a book and knitting all at the same time!

Marmalade likes to sit under the curtain and "watch" my mother do all of her crazy things at once.

Morag enjoys sleeping in her comfortable bed

My mom was happy to see me. Can u tell?

The next morning I awoke early to a lot of beautiful snow! Of course, I had to shovel such beautiful snow... ugh...

I dug a path for the dog to take her morning "constitutional"

This weathervane tells the story of the storm

These trees are "painted" with snow. How beautiful...

The traffic lights show how much the snow was blowing through the night

I built a snowman by the basement door to keep the racoons away!

I caught up with my friends Bonnie and Brad and their kids Danielle and Benjamin. I stopped by for some free food and fun..

Danielle is such a silly girl!

Bonnie and Benjamin and Danielle. They look so cute!

I took Danielle and one of her friends (Elizabeth) to Brad's office to build a snowman out front..
Danielle was hungry and started to lick the snowman.... girls are gross!

Elizabeth and Danielle posing by their snowman. It's as tall as they are!

Brad (Danielle's dad) came outside to take a look and pose for a picture. He liked the snowman b/c he is a huge Yankees fan!

Wow! It was such a fun day. If I have a daughter, or two, I want them to be as cool and as much fun as Danielle and Elizabeth. Well, I am back at school and back to the books! Midterms are next week, then Spring Break!
See you next post...
"Al, do I have to ice my elbow?" One thing I have learned from this experience...Al is always right. Lol ;)
8:49 PM
Good luck with midterms shorty :)
12:26 PM
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