What you are missing out on....
Today was a stepping-stone in my education. The DPT Program is the only DPT Program in the world that has a white coat ceremony for its students during their education. I was joined by 32 supremely intelligent classmates at a ceremony that signifies our transition from simple PT student-weaklings to ENTRY-LEVEL PRACTITIONERS WITH AMAZING COSMIC POWERS! Ok, maybe not the cosmic powers part, but we certainly have made a transition in our professional education.
It is easy for my classmates and I to WANT to forget the hardships and insurmountable studying we did last semester, but we are quick to point out the fun times and enjoyable "outings" in the city.
the ceremony began with my classmates and I filing in from the waiting area into the auditorium to be seated. Low and behold, as soon as we got walking Renee decided to test her reflexes by tripping on the stairs. At least she did it where no one got it on video!
Dr. Granick (program director) began the ceremony with a nice introduction, speaking about the program, the ceremony and the faculty. The keynote speaker was Professor Joan Edelstein. Professor Edelstein is known throughout the world as a foremost expert on prosthetics and orthodics. She has been a guest lecturer in several class sessions last semester as well as this semester. Her address was simply astounding! She spoke of the profession, her personal experiences, the program and what the future held for us as future practitioners. I was a little concerned when she started speaking away from the microphone. It was as if she was going in and out of stereo surround sound. Very strange. I think she realized it and corrected herself halfway through her speech.
the next speaker was our class president, Rami Said. Rami is a great friend, a great guy, pretty smart and most of all entertaining to be around. His address enlightened both the faculty and members of the audience what the program was like for a student's point of view. He spoke of the tough curriculum, how we studied hard and continue to do so, how we have fun when we need to have fun, and told a little story that will be never forgotten. It is the story of a classmate, James Park. James has a problem staying awake in class during lecture. He studies very hard and usually very early in the morning. One day, while operating the projector in class he fell asleep. When the professor asked for the next slide the entire class busted James for sleeping and had a great laugh as well! Needless to say, he has not volunteered for that job during lecture since.Today's ceremony was a great opportunity for the families and friends of my classmates and I to meet each other. It was great to see David's son Aaron (sp?) and all of the other families who came for this special occasion.
Following the ceremony we all headed to the P&S Faculy Club for some food, drinks and a chance to socialize with friends, families, professors and the bartenders......
As usual, I brought my camera along to take many pictures of everyone having a great time. Keep in mind that my pictures are not the only pictures that were taken. Many of my classmates will be providing me with more pictures, so keep your eyes open for new pictures here as the weeks pass.
While today was a nice social event and a chance to look good on stage and mingle with Dr. Evander, I have done some deep thought since the reception. Today was a very significant day for both faculty and students. Our white coats signify that our distinguished faculty has confidence in all of us as competent future professionals. They have chosen the 33 of us to carry on the long-standing tradition of educational and clinical excellence at Columbia University. I am most certain that all of us in the Class of 2007 will not disappoint anyone....
Enjoy the pictures!
Julie and Mary after the ceremony in the clean white coats.

Now you all know the secret to my height, radiation treatment! :-)

The party was jumping by the time I got there!

Eyal and Dr. Basille having a good time in the food line.

Toni and her beau.

Myself, Dr. Chiarello and Yaritza enjoying the reception.
Dr. Chiarello was worried that this picture would not look good.
It only makes her look short!

Dr. Sliwinski, Nicole and Rami sharing a laugh.

Renee and I posing for a close-up.

Ilana was camera shy, but I convinced her to take at least one shot with me.

Here is Julie, caught in the act of eating ALL of the grapes in one sitting!

Eyal was really making the rounds! Here he is chatting with Professor Johnson about important PT stuff.

Travis was having a good time, even though he was overshadowed by Karen's date (?) Joanna.
She was there for the free food...

I took this picture just as Karen began to sing. Luckily for us she was abruptly stopped by someone who stuffed a piece of meloln in her mouth. Whew!

After consuming said melon piece, she was much more content to simply stand still and smile for the camera.
Isn't she just so camera friendly?

Once again Eyal is talking to the "big wigs" at the reception.
Here he talks with Frank, who I believe has some Mafia ties.....

As I moved on into the reception I found Liann, willing to pose and smile in her new attire.

Here is Imee and yaritza celebrating this momentous day with friends and family.

Here we see Dr. Kinirons cracking jokes (as usual) with Imee and Yaritza.
I suggest you keep an eye on this professor, she is nothing but trouble.

I did finally find the two wonderful parents of Ilana. They were very willing to pose for a picture,
unlike their shy daughter.

Once again we find Julie near the food table. Probably looking for any grapes trying to escape.
Here she is listening to Dr. Chiarello explain the pros and cons to eating too many grapes!

Here we see Cary and her family, enjoying the reception.

I managed to sneak this shot of Toni, her man and her fam at the reception.
I think Toni might be due for a growth spurt soon! Just look at those genes!

I also found Renee, the most fit student in the class enjoying some wine and some
relaxing laughs with friends and family.

Here I think she and her friend are enjoying the wine a little too much!

Karen is a little sickly this week. Here I caught her returning for a nose-blowing escapade.
She sounds like a drunk seal when she gets going, so she likes to hide. :-)

Guess who we find again talking to the professors? Of course it's Eyal, he is everywhere at this party!
Dr. Sliwinski is trying to convince him to perform her show "I am a Trapezius, You are a Rhomboid"
on Broadway. I am not sure he is sold on the idea. I do think she found some other students willing to participate.

Dr. Sliwinski's patented "I am a Trapezius" pose. Only here at Columbia University will you find such
innovative teaching techniques.

I caught Imee and Mary off guard with this quick cameo shot.

Here we find Julie, apparently experiencing some sort of delusional episode from consuming all of those grapes.
I warned her about binge grape eating!

Dr. Sliwinski and Dr. Kinirons were happy to pose in this picture with Cameron and myself. This picture makes me look really tall. Or does it make them look really small? You decide.

I crouched down for the professors to get a more "level" shot. I have not seen the world from a ground level view before.
It was rather amazing!

Julie is showing off her custom-made, shell button million dollar white coat. I am sure we all wish we could afford such

Courtney's parents are trying to convince Professor Kolodny to keep her in NYC forever. I guess they want the extra room
at home. :-)

Finally we find Courtney, obviously not aware that her parents are moving to a new home and will not be giving her their new address or phone number. Don't you think she looks like her mom?!? Amazing...

im sooo liking to this in my journal cuz its hilarious. hope you don't mind. =)
~Toni =)
10:36 AM
Congratulations on your white coat! You look very distinguished in it. I am glad that they make whilte coats in you size- it would be a shame if yours had to have "short sleeves" when everyone else got long sleeves...
11:53 AM
Look at you in your white coat-congrats. All I have to say is that I got mine first :-p
10:36 PM
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