Another fun day of school...
Well, we made it through another week of school (almost), and it was full of laughs and late night study sessions. I took a bunch of pics to show all of you more people in my class and in my life at school.
First I would like to say that all of my professors are great and very intelligent. I would also like to say that each and every one of them is "unique" in their own special way. Today was a super example of a truly "nutty" professor teaching a great class. This morning was our Examination and Evaluation laboratory session. It is here where we learn to measure joint motions and test the strength of skeletal muscles. Our professor is strange. Not strange in a bad way, but rather the "cool soccer mom " kinda strange. She is energetic, unbelievably intelligent and really fun to have as a teacher and lab instructor. We always learn and have a great time in her lab sessions.
Today's lab involved us marking each other's backs with ink to locate specific bony landmarks. This is Cameron. He was a professional dancer in a previous career. He is a really nice guy who turns exceptionally red when he gets flustered or embarrassed. It's pretty neat to see. Here he is being marked on his cervical spine by Jayme. She is a very sweet and very married classmate. Her claim to fame, for now, is that she is a "10" on the Beighton Hyper-mobility Scale. (It's a long story, go look it up!)

Then we would use the landmarks to develop our clinical evaluation skills. It will be interesting to see who forgets about the ink marks and still has them in Monday's kinesiology lab. ;-) The profession of PT involves a lot of close contact with patients. For now, we just have each other. Here is our lab professor examining Nicole. She must be ticklish, because she is smiling so much.

Lab would not be complete without a wonderful (and pretty) assistant instructor. This is Andrea. She is really smart and very fun to work with in the lab. I do have a confession to make.... She was my practical exam proctor a few weeks ago. She was eating pudding for breakfast while I was taking my test! I guess I am truly a bit slow, but I thought she just had the same eating habits as me. I guess I need some help or something...

Next we have this short guy in my class. He is from Astoria, Queens and is a little bit weird. This is a second career for him as well, but I am unsure what he did for a first career. I think it was something to do with building things out of rocks....since that was all he grew up with.... Oh, no! That's the OTHER weird guy in class, Jon. I think Frank was just sick of living at home with his parents, so he decided to go back to school. It doesn't matter what he did, or that his parents probably kicked him out. He is a great guy, and that's good enough for me. Don't worry, he doesn't have some type of postural problem, he is simply moving so that we can do measurements on his back. (Remember those pen marks from before?)

We can get a bit goofy in lab sometimes, especially after a long week of classes and exams. Here I am being goofy with Karen. I am not sure why I put this thing on my head, but I guess I look pretty silly.

After lab we sat for 2 hours in a very warm classroom for our kinesiology lecture. A good time was had by those who attended...and stayed awake. After kinesiology, we sprinted outside for some fresh air and a quick bite to eat at a local cafe, called "Jou Jou". It's a cute little cafe tucked away in a cozy spot, which happens to be directly across from the ER of the hospital. Not so cozy, eh? The food is super, and the soups can be dynamite!
We sat outside and enjoyed some food, drink and laughs. Here we have Candice and Sarah (the 3rd "little piggy" that spent all day studying) sitting at an outside table. These are two very smart and wonderful classmates. As I mentioned earlier, I am one of eight men in my program of 34 students. (How did I get so lucky!?!?)

Sitting next to us was another classmate, Alicia. As far as I know, she recently became engaged. Congrats to her! The book taking up most of the picture is the "easy-to-read and really light" neuroscience book that we drag around with us every Tuesday and Thursday to class. By the end of the semester Alicia will be so strong! From the size of that diamond on her finger, it looks like she will need the strength! Gosh, that ring is magnificent!

After our quick break we all sprinted up to our neuroscience lecture. We usually print out the lecture outline before class because we are pretty busy all day. I ran into Donna and Jody printing out the same outline before class. I tried to take a picture of Jody, but she is very camera shy. Must be a "Canadian" thing. Those people are really weird anyway, with their "funny" accents and all...

Finally, after a long day of studying I made it back to my room to relax and write this post. As usual, some medical students in my hall were watching 'ER' on the television. They call it "studying"; I call it "slacking". I am not sure if it's the same thing, but maybe in medical school it is... Beth is my cute neighbor who has the TV on which the students were "learning". She is reclining in her big comfortable chair in this first picture. She may look like a midget in this picture, but the chair is really big.

"studying" classmates...

I caught Beth earlier in the evening coming back after a workout.

Notice that I was at a distance and used the 'zoom' function on my camera for this shot. I am only kidding about that. I am all stuffed up from allergies, so I was ok when she stopped by... I will be adding more pics of classmates and neighbors as they pass by my room throughout the semester. I hope all of you are enjoying this story so far. Tell everyone you know about this site!
Good night to you.
See you next post,,,
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