Let the fun....commence!
Who says you can't have a little bit of fun in Graduate School. We surely did, and this was after only one examination! My classmates and I headed over to the local "watering hole", as our program director would say for a little bit of unwinding. I have included a few pictures of my fellow classmates enjoying themselves (well deserved enjoyment, mind you) after the exam. The group was split into 3 equal sections. Everyone met at the same time, but the last group (my group of course) was stuck in a cold, uncomfortable classroom from the 1950's for 2 hours. It was the LONG and really boring wait that made us a little crazy when we took the test. Needless to say, many of our classmates had a bit of a "head strart" on us by the time we showed up.
Let me give you a little history on our class this far into the semester. We come from many places and from many walks of life. For some, this is a second career. For others, this is the next step in their educational "yellow brick road". For me, I just did not want to get a job after finishing my undergraduate education in May, so I came here. I think I made a great choice. We have integrated well among each other, with no real "outsiders" or "hermits" to speak of. We all like each other.. ( I think) and we all have a great time together (just see the pics below). Take 34 extremely intelligent and charismatic students, and stuff them into really small classrooms for endless hours every week. What does that give you? A bunch of really funny people, who laugh at the silliest things ("I am a Trapezius!" or referring to a muscle as a "mother") and have a great time making themselves into wonderful future clinicians. I am having a great time thus far, and I know that everyone else is (even though they don't want to admit it). Enjoy the pictures, they are of my wonderful classmates. We are silly, funny (some funny looking, like me) and extremely talented. Look for great things to come from us in the future, especially in the "fun" department.
Until next post....
This is actually before the first day of classes. We crashed a Public Health Program BBQ on the roof. Nothing like making friends the night before classes. Public Health seemed cool about it...except for the strange looks we got from some of the students. Hey, we're PT students. Fugeddaboudit!
James, Renee and Tinkerbelle (Toni)

This is Alyson. I miss her quite a bit. She used to live on my floor, but left the program for personal reasons. All of us miss her, and want her to come and visit a lot! Get it, Alyson!??! Come and visit us!! We MISS YOU TONS!!
Oh, and that's me with the bald head.

This program is GREAT for me, because I am male! Hey, any of you guys out there who want to go to PT school... go for it! I am one of 7 guys in a class of 34!! All of the women in my class are awesome,not to mention pretty. Here is a great picture of Yaritza, Karen (who lives in my building) and Courtney (who is sitting next to me as I write this post).

Finally, this is the best shot of the group. This is Julie, acting as her favorite superhero..... The Supinator! Actually, the supinator is a muscle in the forearm that supinates the forearm from a pronated posi.....OK, see what this has done to me!??!!? Now I am doing the whole anatomy thing! Ugh! Stupid graduate school brain cells!
Anyway, this is Julie and Jayme, two of the sweetest (not to mention most charasmatic) people I have ever known. If you see The Supinator on the front page of the Daily News or the NY Post, then you will know who is really behind the mask.

That's it for now. I have a new digital camera, so I will be posting more often. This weekend I have friends running in the NYC Marathon, so I will post pictures from the weekend at some point. Well, off to studying for me. Nahh, who am I kidding... it's Friday night, I'm going to sleep!! You thought I was going to say party, didn't you? Hey, I don't get ANY sleep during the week, so tonight is the night to "catch-up". Back off!
Good bye. :-)
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