The reason we are here.
We are here, in graduate school to study. Not to sleep, eat or have any free time at all. Just study. This week was a typical week, with a lab examination on Monday, followed by a written and practical examination in Gross Anatomy on Wednesday. There were many late nights and early mornings of studying. I don' t like staying up late and getting up early, but studying is my "job" and all of us do a lot of it!
This is the real reason I started this web-diary, to show the world what it is we do each and every day. If you think your job is tough and that you never get any time to yourself, then you need to spend a few weeks with us. You will be thankful of all the free time you truly do have in your life.
It began on Monday night, with Julie ("The Supinator") coming over to study. For a super-hero, she really does have quite a bit of time to study. I am curious when she actually has time to fight crime.... Hmmmmm...... :-)

Then, after a few hours of quality studying, we went downstairs to the study lounge to find our classmates still hitting the books hard. You can tell they have been at it for quite some time. James looks very tired and Beth and Elaine are both struggling to stay awake, and poor Karen has been in her pajamas all day (again!). It's a tough life, but these guys make it look easy. Honestly, I took this picture at midnight, and they remained at it for a few more hours. Nuts!

Our days in this program are busy, long and rather tiring. When we do have a minute or two to ourselves it usually involves a brisk walk to the next class. Here are some of my classmates (Mary, Imee, Jaime, Yaritza and Sarah) on our way to our Neuroscience class in yet another hospital building. Note the beautiful background skyline of downtown NYC. That someplace that we NEVER get to see during the week, and sometimes not even on the weekend. :-(
On our way to the next class...

Don't get me wrong, it's not all a pity party here. We all love school and are really enjoying learning all of this great information. Our professors are really great, fun to listen to in lecture and very knowledgeable. I know that the entire class feels very lucky to have such a great staff teaching us all about Physical Therapy.
As i mentioned before, some of us are very tired, hungry and somewhat "out of it" during our long days in school. HEre is proof of this phenomenon. Here is David (in the background) trying to eat while getting a quick bit of shut-eye before class starts. Multitasking for this new father is becoming second-nature! In the foreground, Aly and Beth try to enjoy a quick snack before another Neuroscience lecture.

Our examinations finally ended yesterday with our Gross Anatomy practical examination. all 34 of us show up at the same time, are split into three groups and take successive turns. This time a different group had to wait in these cold and small classrooms for 2 hours before taking their exam! yuck! I did it for the first examination, and I can tell you that it stinks!
Here we see courtney (not looking very excited about the exam), Ilanit and Beth squeezing out a smile and Ayal goofing off in the back as usual.

Finally we have Donna "lounging" in the other classroom before the exam. Note the coffee mug and scrubs. For the first examination, she stayed up all night before the examination. No sleep, just lots of coffee. I am sure she did the same for this one as well. I bet she slept well last night! :-)
Stay awake Donna!!

That's it for now. I'll begin to track down others in my program (like that "mean" anatomy professor) as the weeks progress. Hope you all have a great day. You know where the 34 of us will
Hey Al! This is Toni. Cool site you got here! I need to take more pictures of us to post on mine. If you want you can add a link to my livejournal to your little list of links. Though I'm not sure I want everyone knowing how crazy little "tinkerbelle" really is. hehe.
See ya in class!
~Toni =)
7:57 AM
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