The saga continues....
As the week of midterms continues I felt it was important to keep you (the general public) up to date on what is going on in the CU DPT World. Today was Day #3 of exams, and we had two tough ones today. The first was a PT Procedures practical examination. This class teaches us the "bread-and-butter" skills (right, Randy?) that we will use throughout our careers. We learn how to transfer, assist and mobilize patients in a safe and effective manner. We are challenged with diagnoses ranging from CVA to SCI and AKA/BKA (above and below knee amputation), each with it's own precautions and safety guidelines. By far this is the most physically demanding class we have had since we started in September. During my 20-minute practical exam I broke a nice sweat just getting my "patient" (David) up from supine to sitting and the to a wheelchair and finally a commode. It is a lot of work, but we sure do learn a lot.
Here is James studying before his PT Procedures practical, alone and with Chi Chi

Here we see Jon practicing his Salsa moves in preparation for his examination

In addition to transfer skills, we also needed to take the patient's vital signs (BP, RHR and RR)
Here we see Toni practicing on James and Rami practicing on Ilanit's "massive muscular arms!"

I guess I would not make a good Paparazzi, but I caught a "behind-the-scenes" and "in the action" photo of Sherry during her PT PRocedures exam.

We were not the only group subjected to questioning today. The DPT II class had their share of interrogations. Here we see Dr. Krasinski apparently in a stick-up for an "A" on their exam. I am sure they did well!

After our second exam (Kinesiology & Biomechanics II) I was pretty fried, so I joined my good friend Tom Walsh downtown for a burger and a beer at Duke's. It was a nice, college-like atmosphere with a cute serving staff. We laughed, had a few beers, laughed even more and ate a lot of food! After a few hours of this Tomfoolery (pun intended!), I walked to Penn Station with him to see him off on the train and catch the subway to 103rd to study at Starbucks. Upon arrival Courtney joined me and we reviewed Therapeutic Exercise for our impending exam tomorrow. After a while of this 'fun' my attention span drifted towards Spring Break and my trip to the Midwest. We discussed TE for a little while longer before I was overwhelmed with the urge to be goofy. Take a peek:
Courtney is so serious when she on the other hand....

Only in New york city will you find Christmas lights still up in a public park in MARCH! Strange people here..

Speaking of public parks... Courtney made a good point that the medians in the road are called "parks" in NYC! See for yourself...

On our way to the subway we ran into this poor little puppy who was tied to the railing outside of a store. He was a cute little guy, so we stopped for a little bit of TLC

We made it to the 110th Street subway terminal at Cathedral Parkway. I really do appreciate all of the hand-crafted moldings in all of the stations. They have withstood time better than most other things in the city...

Courtney was trying to escape my company (mumbling something about me being "crazy"), but I stopped her just in time.

She was heading somewhere she probably did not want to go... what do you think? Feeling clean today? Gross!!

We caught the #1 train and headed back home for some more studying and some sleep

I apparently did not want to wait until we got off the train to begin my sleep!

After dropping off Courtney I headed to our library to see how my fellow DPT I students were doing. I found Jody, Donna and Mary studying hard in the library. Mary was muttering something about drinking beer tonight while Jody and Donna were just stone-faced zombies studying their TE notes. I would show you a great picture of Jody (she is very cute), but apparently she has become the DPT I version of the Yeti. No, she is not some hairy beast, she is just impossible to capture on camera. I will be persistent and one day have proof that she exists!
Mary studying hard!

I think this is Jody, but I cannot be sure without a view of her face... :-)

Following my apparent and unproven "Jody Sighting" I returned to Bard Hall to find more of my classmates hard at work! Nothing like some late night studying with friends! Don't they look so awake and focused? We had to wake up Beth for this picture, she was sleeping and drooling on her TE book.

As you all can see, midterms is a stressful time filled with late nights and take-out food. If you are a family member or close friend of any of the students pictured here, please help them by sending money for more take-out Chinese. Without your pledges and donations, they will probably fade to nothing.
See you next post!
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