I know I have been away for a while...
So here are all the photos that I have been promising. These are not all the photos, but I can only put so much on this site at one time. I encourage all of you to click on any photo and go to the Flicr website and view all the rest of the photos.
I will put comments sporadically throughout this post, so follow along and enjoy the show!
Ok, so I will start at the beginning of all of this madness. It all starts with my 30th birthday, on the 19th of April. There I was, just going about my day..... Suddenly Rami insists that I come to the $5 Yankee game that night. What a glorious night it was. We did a little pre-game partying and then had an awesome time at the game!

Check out the Aussie behind us getting in on the fun picture! Wacky people from that country...

Lauren stalked the cotton candy guy halfway around the upper tier! When she wants something, get out of her way!

Rami, Renee and Nicole felt compelled to dance it up on my b-day!

Aly was having a really hard time keeping the beer in her cup! She did not pee herself, she just spilled a lot!
These next photo set here is from the post-Spring semester party and Kickball Rumble 2005 at alicia's home. We all had a blast! Keg-stands and grilled food was on the menu. It was a great time for all...

President taking the lead with the first Keg-Stand of the day!

What the heck is James doing here?!!?!?

Cary is certainly enjoying herself today!

Mary wanted to be sure that I could see her in the outfield during the kickball game. It's hard to miss her....

This is Aaron, Alicia's significant other. He had a lot of fun at the party as well.... James is in shock about the baldness factor....or something...

Jody flexing her muscles!

Don't ask about this one. I don't even remember doing this!

James, prior to his "ankle" accident.

James need some serious counseling!

Karen just looks funny here....

Go Cameron!

Alicia making the announcement to "Get out of her house and play some kickball!"

My friend Geneva came into town from New Mexico to visit during my week break last week. We had fun, saw some sights (including a few closed museums) and had some Greek food.

Chillin' in the park with my classmates..

I will be sitting next to this guy in a few years with a sign "Help pay off Student Loans!"

My size Barbie house!

I LOVE CandyLand!!

I brought Courtney and Geneva down to visit with the crazy, old British lady that lives in my parent's home. She gave them a tour of the historic Twin Lights landmark.

My mom tried to call her siblings in the UK, but unfortunately the wind was not blowing in the right direction.

Finally, we camped outside the 62nd Ave. Clearview Cinema for the midnight premier of the third Star Wars Saga. It was fun to hang on, and the movie was good too. Candice flew in from Switzerland that day for the movie. To top that, there was a guy and his gf sitting in front of us who flew in from Los Angeles that day just so he could see the movie before his friends! Insanity!
Watching the first two episodes while waiting in line.

Travis was feeling the Dark Side while he ate his free Froot Loops. Scary guy!

Wow! That was a lot of pictures and a very long post! Hope you enjoyed the pics.
See you next post!
Have you Been using Chopsticks???!!!!???!
2:11 PM
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