Day 2:
My vacation is proving to be a good sign of things to come. Yesterday Tom decided to "kill" me with a 70 minute run up some "short" hills. I have an altimeter in my Heart Rate Monitor watch (unknown to him) and after running up the first hill and climbing 111 meters, I almost choked him to death. Actually, it was not that bad. It was a glorious run to start my vacation and no better way then with a great friend on a quiet country dirt road.
Today Tom, Sheila and I went out for a leisurely 3 hour bike ride with a few small climbs (according to Sheila). Needless to say, we did approximately 1 mile worth of climbing in the 45 or so mile ride. It was a little cloudy at first, but then cleared up and I have the tan lines to prove it. :-) After our return I showered up, got a sandwich and read a little of the latest Lance Armstrong book. It's pretty good, but reading is just not my thing right now. I think it's too much text book reading that is turning me off to it.
I decided to follow the old cycling ways and recover quickly.
Step 1: Make sure you are laying down with your legs above your heart to promote venous return.
Step 2: Make sure there is some good food in your belly to aid in recovery.
Step 3: Take a nap. (my favorite part)
As you can see here, I was in the process of completing Step 3. Tom and Sheila said I did not snore, but rather I made really funny noises. I did not hear a thing...

Sheila got in on it too and took a quick nap of her own!

After the nap and a quick run to CVS, Tom and I headed out to a local pond to go for a swim. I have not done open water swimming in a while, but the pond was refreshing and a lot of fun. I think we are going back with Sheila at 6AM tomorrow! I am psyched!

I have to admit that being on vacation means that I am being spoiled for all my meals by Sheila, and Tom and I just like goofing around..

I was trying to get an after dinner snack... and got caught on camera by Sheila...

I have a bunch of pictures from Sarah's (a classmate) bachelorette night out. She is married by now (yesterday as far as I know) and enjoying a week of relaxation with her new husband. I have no idea what happened this night, but it seems like everyone was in the marriage mood! Check it out for yourself...
For the record, this is Sarah

Tonight is going to involve food, beer, ice cream, bloody game of badminton with Sheila and a whole lot of sleep!
See you guys next post!