Another week...another Pediatrics Presentation!
I have to admit tht as a class, we are getting very good at these presentations. Not just the presenting, but the sitting through 5 other of the same presentations takes a lot of stamina and concentration. This week was all about Spina Bifida, to be more accurate it was myelomeningocele. If you don't know what it is, then look it up. I am too tired to explain all of it.
Once again we had a bunch of fun and I took some pics and video. I am trying to figure out how to get the video up so all of you can have a good laugh. :-)
See you next post!

Smothering the poor baby!!

Yaritza always looks so serious...

David playing with his Teddy Bear! (actually, it's Karen's...Hi Karen!!)

Julie playing "Discovery Treasure Hunt" on her Lofstran Crutches.

Julie and Alicia playing catch. We do perform high-risk maneuvers in this class too......

Cary sitting in her "Y-ligaments" while listening to Jayme.

Cary using Jayme as a basketball hoop. (Use your imagination here, people!)

Ilanit working James over on the mat. Travis is enjoying a front row treat too!

James doing his Lofstrans best!

John showing hs wheelchair skills!

Frank got jealous and joined in the fun..
See you all next wek!!
mr bear got USED!
it's okay- he likes it...
1:27 PM
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