My name is Al and I am a Physical Therapy Graduate Student at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in NYC. I hope you are enjoying my experiences with my classmates. PT School is truly an adventure. Please spread the word to all of your friends and family to check back for new posts and more fun!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Ever been to Camelot? I went to Spamalot, and it was hilarious!!

I must confess that I am really not that well-versed in the theatre/fine arts. I guess I still need to learn a few things in my life about culture. This past Friday night, Jayme Bruett, her hubby Ryan, his friend and I all went to see Monty Python's Spamalot at the Shubert Theatre. It was not what I expected, which is why I need to learn more about the theatre.
I guess I was expecting the show to follow the movie plot and sequence. I underestimated the creativity of the actors and overestimated the inability of a live show on a small stage to duplicate a movie.
Don't get me wrong, the show was marvelously funny and very entertaining. I cannot wait to see it again with my family on the 26th of March. Hank Azaria, Tim Curry and David Hyde-Pierce were amazing in this show. Tim Curry was Arthur, David Hyde-Pierce was Robin and Hank Azaria was a sexually confused Lancelot. (sp?)
Here are some pics from the outside of the theatre. I cannot give too much of the show away, my family reads this page!
Enjoy the pics and see you next post!

Ryan, Jayme and I had a great dinner at a fancy Italian Restaurant before we got to the show. The food was great, as was the wine. Right, Jayme?

The sign says it all! Ryan was momentarily turned into a newt, but he got better.....

An amazing view of the cast at Camelot!

Jayme and I waiting in anticipation for the gates of Spamalot to open!

I know it may not look like much (it's only a model), but this was the way to Spamalot...

I wonder if that big sign on the right would fit in my dorm room?

Jayme did not tell us that she too was staring in the show! It was her debut evening at Spamalot! (minus the pram...)

A view from outside Spamalot. For those of you with bad eyesight, there is the headless Black Knight, the "Killer Rabbit", a damsel from the wedding, the famous Vache a la French Castle and a very confused looking knight.
The sign below reads" Cows, Coconuts, Killer Rabbits, Witches(crossed out- too expensive), and French People"

Au revoir you silly English pig-dogs! Go and boil you bottoms, you emptiers of animal food trough water! I fart in your general direction, so called Arthur King... You and all your silly knnnnn-ights!
Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!

Monday, February 21, 2005

My wheelchair experience...

As a PT student at Columbia University, I knew that I would be involved in classes that would expose me to the world of Physical Therapy. I never imagined that I would need to experience the world from the perspective of the patient too! Physical Therapy Procedures is a twice a week class with a third laboratory session that exposes us to a variety of patient mobility techniques among other skills. One assignment in this class is to experience the world, your world for one day while in a wheelchair. It is the intent of this assignment to have us sympathize with patients in wheelchairs and realize just how difficult it can be to get around when confined to a wheelchair.
I was looking forward to my day in the chair. I wanted to not only got to class, but get around the neighborhood a little to experience wheelchair life a little bit. I had no idea what I was in for....

This morning I awoke to a few inches of snow and all but one class was cancelled. Karen, my "helper" for the day pushed me to class and back to my room after the lecture.

Lots of snow for my 100m commute!

I was not the only one experiencing this today!

I then had the idea to go out into the city and really get a feel for this assignment. I recruited Travis and Candice to join Karen and I to Central Park. I wanted to take pictures of the "Gates" exhibit in the park as well as experience the travel on the subway system.

On our way!

Karen starting her workout for the day!

My three helpers!!

We went from 169th up to 175th to get the elevators to the A-train. Yes, I had to use 2 elevators to get down there.

Hitching a ride on the A-Train!

Once on the train, brakes firmly locked, we rode forever to get to 34th street.

I am sure you are wondering why we had to go from 175th to 34th to go back to 66th for the park. Well, 34th was the only station from 175th on the A/C line that had handicapped access transfers to the 1/9 line. Once on the 1/9 we went to 66th street, Lincoln Center.

Penn Station madness!

Hop on board!

Once off the train we made our way East to the park. Karen was doing a great job pushing me into every single pothole she could find, as well as every deep puddle too!

I tried pretending I was dead so Karen would stop trying to kill me, but it did not work.

The Gates exhibit at the park was.... overwhelmingly Orange! Holy orange Batman! Every 8 feet or so there was a stinking orange flag. What a large amount of time and effort to put this stuff up. I guess I am not the artist type.

Silly Candice in the middle of the street! What was she thinking?!!?

After going into the park a bit, Candice decided to go and study, leaving me in the dangerous grips of Travis and Karen.
They would be terrible care givers, but good snowball throwers! I was pummeled by many snowballs in the head and could not get to the snow to defend myself. In addition to that people passing by were laughing at me!! I was getting rather upset.

Large chunk of snow hurling towards my head! Ouch!

After that mess we made our way across the park to a hot dog vendor. This guy was a real jerk! He served the woman in front of me and then IGNORED me until I amde a rucous about getting my food. I had no idea that people could be so rude! I almost felt like getting up and smacking him around, but there were others in the park who had disabilities and I did not want to make a scene.

Jerky hot dog guy's stand!

Apparently there were several Asian wedding parties in the park today. Karen was rather upset when we saw the limos with Hello Kitty dolls strapped to the front grates. Travis and I laughed and pointed at her. It was pretty funny!

Snowman in the wall. another art exhibit today in the park!

Travis decided to push for a while because I am a bad driver. Here he decides to take a ride downhill with me. It's pretty dangerous stuff. Don't try this at home kids!!

So dangerous that we almost had to go for a ride in the "nice police van". Travis and I 'sneak' by it here before we leave the park.

Shortly after the last photo was taken, we had a problem. Karen (crazy Asian driver) was pushing and suddenly WHAM!, the right front wheel disintegrated into pieces! It was amazing. Needless to say, my day in the chair was over. We packed it all up, got some pizza and hopped a long bus ride back to campus.

Maybe I need to go on a diet!

I certainly learned a lot from this assignment. I know more about the hardships and inaccessibility of this city to those in wheelchairs. I will take from this assignment more empathy towards those who are in wheelchairs and other assistive pieces of equipment.

See you next post!!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

More White Coat....

Travis supplied me with his pictures from the white coat ceremony. I am sure his point of view (which is about a foot below mine) will provide a different angle on things.

Enjoy the pics!

The "line up" in the hallway before we enter.

Jon socializing in the crowd at the reception.

Julie and her dad enjoying the day!

Jayme and her hubby, Ryan.

I suggest you never get this close to Travis.

Travis was the lucky recipient of some TLC from Karen. It must be some kinda lovin', just look at his face!

Travis caught me in the act of my photo taking during the reception.

Frank is stunned here because he just found out that Travis was getting some TLC from Karen and he was not....

Here we find Cameron Gomez deep in thought...

Apparently Travis had a little too much fun with the open bar.

Eyal and Candice sharing a good laugh and a drink!

There were a lot of people at the reception. Where's Waldo? (Can you find me in this room?)

Chi Chi decided to let her younger brother (?) take her place in the program. More men, yay!

Chi Chi and Travis pose for a fun picture! (Extreme close-up!)

James and Travis looking very sharp in their new coats!

Candice and I in the elevator.

Karen and I in the elevator. She is camera shy, so I had to hold her in view.

See you next post!

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