Allow me to continue........
with my pictures from Switzerland. I know I have been back for a few weeks, but this whole "school" thing does take up time. :-)
Here we go......
We missed a few exits (I had no idea what this said at first!)

Beautiful landscape!

This is how we got to the Swiss/Italian Alps. It was a car-train. Pretty neat idea, and rather fast as well. Through the tunnel for 18km until we got to the town of Lavin, where Marina's cousins lived.

Here we are! The mountain town of Lavin! So small and so pretty!

I was a little scared of the public drinking fountains at first, but after checking them out I was no longer thirsty!

Me and Jo (Marina's sister)

Room for rent. In this part of the world bicycles are enjoyed and respected! :-)

I am always up for a good dessert. And I am certain I ate my weight in chocolate while I was there!

Marina, Jo and her cousin after dinner.

I went for an early AM run and got some great shots!

We drove about 90 minutes that day, over a few passes to get to some GREAT hiking!

Here we wait for the postal truck to take us up the mountain. I know, kinda weird, but true!

We went hiking in a little peninsula part of Switzerland, surround by Italy and some unbelievable sights.

Do you think this lake is pretty? I do. In fact I thought it was so nice, I fell in.

We hiked another hour or so to even greater heights!

After we drove to Italy! We got some food and stuff for dinner.

After we left Lavin we went over more mountain passes on our way to Lugano. It was quite a fun car trip!

We stopped along the way in Italy for a great lunch on the lake!

Friendly border crossing

In Lugano, school had just begun...

Marina and I played some LARGE chess!

PT is everywhere!

We left Lugano (after eating a ton of gelato) and drove to Lucarno for a short stop before going home.

We got a "little" lost, but saw some great sites and laughed a lot.

High mountain pass! The next day, this pass was closed because of snow! WOW!

When we got back to Fribourg, Marina and I spent a few days and meals with her friends and their families.

During our bike trip we stopped in a very small and old town for some food and a tour. :-)

We then rode to a park for a picnic and some fun.
I think I am a little too big...

Marina and I went to Paola's farm for a meal the next day.

Her farm looks down on a small village

On my last day Marina and I took the train to Geneva to spend the day with her sister.

On my layover in Brussels I braved the foreign turf, got a cheap hotel room (very nice too!) and slept well before my flight. When I got up I had to rush to the airport, so these three pics are all from the same spot and are my "Tour of Brussels"

Well, here I am again...Back in the same place doing the stuff I love (learning!). I hope everyone enjoys the pictures.
See you next post!