So I made a wrong turn and ended up in... Switzerland!
Greetings to everyone from beautiful (and clean) Switzerland. Home of the Vaches Suprème! (Supreme Cows) I finally finished my clinical rotation at NYU Cardiac Rehab and needed a break from that side of the i came here to spend 11 days with a friend from many years ago. While my trip out here was long and tiring, the scenery, food and people were well worth the travel. I have to admit that my flight was not all that bad. I was bumped up to business class from Brussels to geneva..and even better was that £I was the ONLY person in business class for the flight. Yes, believe it or not I had my own personal flight attendant (who was very cute and nice) and had an entire section of the plane to myself. I did get a little silly and changed seats on her a few times, just to make her laugh.
I have taken some photos of my visit so far. I really cannot wait to return with my bicycle (and better French) to climb the mountain passes. My friend (Marina) lives in a really nice apartment in Friborg and works in Lausanne at Credit-Suisse (the big bank place). I took some pics of her place, the views and some others of a pretty chalet we visited today. Tomorrow we will drive 4 hours to the French/Swiss Alps for the weekend. I believe we are staying in a wooden chalet! Very excited.
I hope you all enjoy the pics and come back for more soon!

Sadly it took me a few minutes to figure out how to flush!

Where is Willy Wonka? Switzerland!! ¨Floor -2, please.¨

The view from Marina's balcony this AM.

And we think gas is expensive. This is 1.73 CHF per litre, so it's about 1.30 US per litre; which is almost 5.00 US per gallon! Ouch...

Kids went back to school yesterday...ahhh, my bretheren off to ¨the usual¨.

This pic really made me miss my bike! note the long winding road up to the next tempting!!

Small little village we went to (Gruyère, I believe) Famous old place, lots of old stuff. Great views.

Beautiful green garden in the chalet!

My favourite picture so far! Garden and Alps

Apparently one of the former Lords of the Chalet was in a wheelchair. I guess PT is everywhere, even in Europe! I have some more pics of this one and another with a crude steering mechanism. Very interesting...

¨Rolling chair¨...loose translation from me for the wheelchair :)

Yes, i drooled at this sign... nice climb to start the trip... ack! i just need my bike.

Going to ¨Old Fribourg¨

Diagon Alley, anyone...?

Marina and I stopped at a local spot with a great view for a boisson (beverage!)...Panaché

Marina has an old scooter/bike in her parking garage. I decided to take it for a spin inside. I really wish I had my road bike....

See you après les Alpes!