My name is Al and I am a Physical Therapy Graduate Student at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in NYC. I hope you are enjoying my experiences with my classmates. PT School is truly an adventure. Please spread the word to all of your friends and family to check back for new posts and more fun!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Another exciting week of Pediatrics

I know it seems like all we do is Pediatrics, but I keep forgetting my camera for all of the other stuff! I apologize for that. Here are more pics from lab and lecture yesterday. In case you are out of "the loop", I have created a Podcast site that anyone can view (or subscribe to for automatic updates) videos of our class. It costs me a little money, but it's worth sharing with all of you.
I do have a request of all of you who are not in my program. PLease send me feedback and comments on my blog. All you need to do is click on the link at the bottom of each post and leave a comment, or you can email me directly using the links on the right-hand side of the page. I would really appreciate some feedback and want to know the extent of this blog. Columbia University PT Candidates should post comments too!! (and any questions, if they like).

Enjoy the pics!

Oh, and check out the video I added to the Podcast too!

See you next post!

If anyone ever told me that my class would play with dolls, I would have called them "crazy". Call us all crazy now....

Rami, always the willing guinea pig!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Check out the Podcasts!!

Hey Everyone!! I took a little bit of time today and went to The Apple Store in SoHo to learn about iLife. It's a feature on my new Mac, and it rocks!! I learned how to make movies, edit in sound and all sort of stuff, even create my own Podcasts! Now you (and your entire living family..relatives included) can watch the videos I shoot during our presentations and labs!!

Please check it out and let me know what you think! The link is on the right, with all of the others.

Enjoy! (and see you next post...)


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Another week...another Pediatrics Presentation!

I have to admit tht as a class, we are getting very good at these presentations. Not just the presenting, but the sitting through 5 other of the same presentations takes a lot of stamina and concentration. This week was all about Spina Bifida, to be more accurate it was myelomeningocele. If you don't know what it is, then look it up. I am too tired to explain all of it.
Once again we had a bunch of fun and I took some pics and video. I am trying to figure out how to get the video up so all of you can have a good laugh. :-)

See you next post!

Smothering the poor baby!!

Yaritza always looks so serious...

David playing with his Teddy Bear! (actually, it's Karen's...Hi Karen!!)

Julie playing "Discovery Treasure Hunt" on her Lofstran Crutches.

Julie and Alicia playing catch. We do perform high-risk maneuvers in this class too......

Cary sitting in her "Y-ligaments" while listening to Jayme.

Cary using Jayme as a basketball hoop. (Use your imagination here, people!)

Ilanit working James over on the mat. Travis is enjoying a front row treat too!

James doing his Lofstrans best!

John showing hs wheelchair skills!

Frank got jealous and joined in the fun..

See you all next wek!!

Get your own countdown at  
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